Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Drywall up and the house takes shape

Has it really been twelve days since the last post? Time flies when it looks like nothing is happening. But actually, all of the stuff we need to LIVE in the house has been happening.

Electricity and plumbing were installed.

All of the insulation is in and the drywall is up and WOW - what a change. Let me walk you around the house.

The first photo is of our siding. The one thing we were worried about are all the decisions we made so so long ago. I told DJ we just have to trust that we had a clue back then.

Just like computer programming. When you write a program and then look at it a year later you just have to have faith that back THEN you knew what you were doing. Same with this.

This is the sun room/breakfast nook. Blake (dog) loved this and it was the first time he realized he could look outside from inside of the house. He has never had this option before.

We tried to explain to him about the deck going on the other side of the window but we're not sure he understood. He LOVES decks. It's not often he can be ABOVE anything.

This looks from the fire place (which is absent in all my photos . .hmmm) back to the kitchen.

Blake is uncertain about the wooden stairs. They will be carpeted at some point. He'll have to wait.

Looking from the back left side of the "great" room. Fireplace is back left, kitchen behind the small wall and breakfast nook in the middle background. That is more drywall against the windows. Notice the high ceilings.

I'm now standing on the very spot I wreaked my knee looking back at the house from the golf course.
And there is DJ further down the fairway looking back.

In other news we window shopped for $1000 in lighting and found we were under budget IF we did not go to Madison Lighting where we could buy two lights for the entire budget.

What we have to do is measure the actual placement of the Great Room ceiling fan to see how big of a drop down bar we need. Then withen the next 12 days we'll have to actually purchase the lights. This will come off the mortgage and is easier.

As for our current home. We're having another open house this Sunday. so far 100% of the comments have been positive with a few people very interested but no real takers YET!

We're still upbeat.

That's it for now!

talk to you later

Rod and DJ